Too Long ; Didn’t Read ….

NOTE: Document is in development.
NOTE: Subject to change.

Choose a Flow

If you have:

  1. a vanilla VM (fresh install, no additional tools installed);
  2. need to build a k8s cluster; and,
  3. want to install Acumos (and optional plugins), then choose Flow-1.

If you have:

  1. a pre-built k8s cluster; and,
  2. want to install Acumos (and optional plugins), then choose Flow-2.


If you are running z2a in an environment that requires a proxy, you may need to configure various items to use that proxy BEFORE you run z2a.

NOTE: You may also need to consult your systems/network administration team for the correct proxy values.

Please consult the README-PROXY document for details on the various items that will require configuration and links to resources that will assist in the configuration tasks.


# Obtain a Virtual Machine (VM) with sudo access ; Login to VM
# NOTE: /usr/local/bin is a required element in your $PATH

# Install 'git' distributed version-control tool
# For RPM-based distributions such as RHEL/CentOS, execute the following command:
$ sudo yum install -y git
# For Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu, execute the following command:
$ sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install -y git

# Make src directory ; change directory to that location
$ mkdir -p $HOME/src ; cd $HOME/src
# clone Acumos 'system-integration' repo
$ git clone

# set ACUMOS_HOME environment variable
$ ACUMOS_HOME=$HOME/src/system-integration
# Change directory
$ cd $ACUMOS_HOME/z2a

# Choose one of the following methods to create a global_value.yaml file

# Method 1 - example values
# To use the example global_value.yaml file;
# copy the example values from z2a/dev1 to the helm-charts directory
$ cp $ACUMOS_HOME/z2a/dev1/global_value.yaml.dev1 $ACUMOS_HOME/helm-charts/global_value.yaml

# Method 2 - customized values
# To use a customized global_value.yaml file;
# edit $ACUMOS_HOME/helm-charts/global_value.yaml
# using an editor and command similar to this:
$ vi $ACUMOS_HOME/helm-charts/global_value.yaml

# Once the global_value.yaml file has been copied and/or edited;
# you can proceed with the installation

# Execute 0-kind/ (setup user z2a environment)
$ ./0-kind/
# Execute 0-kind/ (install / configure dependencies)
$ ./0-kind/

# ... (required for Docker group inclusion) ...
# Reinitialize the user z2a environment
# Execute 0-kind/ (build and configure k8s cluster)
$ ACUMOS_HOME=$HOME/src/system-integration
$ cd $ACUMOS_HOME/z2a
$ ./0-kind/
$ ./0-kind/

# Ensure all k8s Pods created are in a 'Running' state.
$ kubectl get pods -A
# Execute (install / configure noncore & core Acumos components)
$ ./1-acumos/

# NOTE: If Acumos plugins are to be installed in a new session:
# Copy the ACUMOS_HOME line below and paste it into the terminal session
$ ACUMOS_HOME=$HOME/src/system-integration

# To install Acumos plugins ; proceed here
$ cp $ACUMOS_HOME/z2a/dev1/mlwb_value.yaml.mlwb $ACUMOS_HOME/helm-charts/mlwb_value.yaml
# Execute (install / configure Acumos plugins and dependencies)
$ ./2-plugins/


# To execute Flow-2, we will use a VM-based host for command & control.
# NOTE: You MAY require sudo access on the command & control VM to allow you
# to install git
# NOTE: /usr/local/bin is a required element in your $PATH

# Login to the VM

# Install 'git' distributed version-control tool
# For RPM-based distributions such as RHEL/CentOS, execute the following command:
$ sudo yum install -y git
# For Debian-based distributions such as Ubuntu, execute the following command:
$ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y git

# Make src directory ; change directory to that location
$ mkdir -p $HOME/src ; cd $HOME/src
# clone Acumos 'system-integration' repo
$ git clone

# set ACUMOS_HOME environment variable
$ ACUMOS_HOME=$HOME/src/system-integration
# Change directory
$ cd $ACUMOS_HOME/z2a

# Choose one of the following methods to create a global_value.yaml file

# Method 1 - example values
# To use the example global_value.yaml file;
# copy the example values from z2a/dev1 to the helm-charts directory
$ cp $ACUMOS_HOME/z2a/dev1/global_value.yaml.dev1 $ACUMOS_HOME/helm-charts/global_value.yaml

# Method 2 - customized values
# To use a customized global_value.yaml file;
# edit $ACUMOS_HOME/helm-charts/global_value.yaml
# using an editor and command similar to this:
$ vi $ACUMOS_HOME/helm-charts/global_value.yaml

# Once the global_value.yaml file has been copied and/or edited;
# you can proceed with the installation

# Execute 0-kind/ (setup user environment)
$ ./0-kind/

# Ensure all k8s Pods created are in a 'Running' state.
$ kubectl get pods -A
# Execute (install / configure noncore & core Acumos components)
$ ./1-acumos/

# NOTE: If Acumos plugins are to be installed in a new session:
# Copy the ACUMOS_HOME line and paste it into the terminal session
$ ACUMOS_HOME=$HOME/src/system-integration

# To install Acumos plugins ; proceed here
$ cp $ACUMOS_HOME/z2a/dev1/mlwb_value.yaml.mlwb $ACUMOS_HOME/helm-charts/mlwb_value.yaml
# Execute (install / configure Acumos plugins and dependencies)
$ ./2-plugins/
Last Modified:2020/07/28