9. Model Deployment Automation

This tab “model deployment automation” must be used to trigger the launch of a Jenkins Job on an external Jenkins server, please refers to the “model deployment project : https://wiki.acumos.org/display/MM/Model+Deployment+project ” wiki page to set up properly all the following parameters:

  • Location of the jenkins server : Ip adress and port in the form : “http://X.X.X.X:Y

  • Name of the jenkins job : The Name of your jenkins job

  • Name of the parameter : Name of the parameter you used to trigered your Jenkins Job remotly

  • Value of the parameter : In the very last version of Elpis (end of 2021) this parameter has been removed. Acumos is able to retrieve this parameter (model docker URI) and send it to Jenkins

  • Jenkins login : your Jenkins login

  • Jenkins security token : your jenkins token
