Demeter Manifest

Operating System

The multi-node installation of Acumos was tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

The One Click installation has been run on Centos 7 and Ubuntu 16, 17, and 18.

Platform Components

The components that comprise the Acumos Platform are released as Docker images on Nexus.

Individual component release notes may be accessed from the Component Releases page.

Core Components

Project Component Artifact Version
Catalog, Data Model, and Data Management Common Data Service (CDS) – server acumos/common-dataservice 3.1.1
Catalog, Data Model, and Data Management Federation acumos/federation-gateway 3.2.2
Common Services Microservice Generation acumos/microservice-generation 4.7.0
Deployment Azure Client acumos/acumos-azure-client 3.0.5
Deployment Kubernetes Client acumos/kubernetes-client 3.0.3
Deployment OpenStack Client acumos/openstack-client 3.0.3
Design Studio Composition Engine acumos/ds-compositionengine 3.0.6
License-Manager License-Manager acumos/license-rtu-editor 0.1.6
License-Manager License-Manager acumos/license-profile-editor 0.0.13
License-Usage-Manager License-Usage-Manager acumos/lum-server 1.3.4
License-Usage-Manager License-Usage-Manager acumos/lum-db 1.3.4
Model Onboarding Onboarding acumos/onboarding-app 4.6.3
OA&M Elasticsearch acumos/acumos-elasticsearch 4.0.3
OA&M Elk-client acumos/elk-client 4.0.3
OA&M Filebeat acumos/acumos-filebeat 4.0.3
OA&M Kibana acumos/acumos-kibana 4.0.3
OA&M Logstash acumos/acumos-logstash 4.0.3
OA&M Metricbeat acumos/acumos-metricbeat 4.0.3
Portal Portal Backend acumos/acumos-portal-be 4.0.12
Portal Portal Frontend acumos/acumos-portal-fe 4.0.12
Security-Verification Security-Verification acumos/security-verification 1.2.2
Workbench Dashboard-Webcomponent acumos/dashboard-webcomponent 3.0.0
Workbench Home-Webcomponent acumos/home-webcomponent 3.0.0
Workbench Notebook-Catalog-Webcomponent acumos/notebook-catalog-webcomponent 2.0.9
Workbench Notebook-Webcomponent acumos/notebook-webcomponent 2.0.9
Workbench Project-Webcomponent acumos/project-webcomponent 3.0.0
Workbench Project-Catalog-Webcomponent acumos/project-catalog-webcomponent 2.0.9
Workbench Pipeline-Catalog-Webcomponent acumos/pipeline-catalog-webcomponent 2.0.9
Workbench Pipeline-Webcomponent acumos/pipeline-webcomponent 2.0.9
Workbench Project-Service acumos/project-service 2.0.5
Workbench Notebook-Service acumos/notebook-service 2.0.5
Workbench Pipeline-Service acumos/pipeline-service 2.0.5
Workbench Model-Service acumos/model-service 2.0.4
Workbench Predictor-Service acumos/predictor-service 1.0.5
Workbench Datasource-service acumos/datasource-service 1.0.0
Workbench Datasource-webcomponent acumos/datasource-webcomponent 3.0.0
Workbench Datasource-catalog-webcomponent acumos/datasource-catalog-webcomponent 3.0.0
Deployment Deployment-client acumos/deployment-client 1.0.8

Model Execution Components

Project Component Artifact Version
Design Studio SQL Data Broker sqldatabroker 1.2.0
Design Studio CSV Data Broker csvdatabroker 1.4.0
Model Onboarding Onboarding Base – R onboarding-base-r 1.2.0
Design Studio Runtime Orchestrator (Model Connector) blueprint-orchestrator 2.0.13
Design Studio Model Runner h2o-genericjava-modelrunner 2.2.3
DataBroker Data Broker databroker-zipbroker 1.0.0
Design Studio Proto Viewer (Probe) acumos-proto-viewer 1.5.7

Third Party Software

Software Version
MariaDB 10.2
Kong 0.11.0
Nexus Repository OSS 3.x
Docker-CE 18.06.1-ce for Ubuntu 16.04

Supporting Libraries Used by Platform Components

These supporting libraries are released as Java JAR files and referenced as libraries by various platform components.

Project Component JAR Version
Acumos-Java-Client Acumos-Java-Client java_client 4.2.0
Catalog, Data Model, and Data Management Common Data Service Client cmn-data-svc-client 3.1.1
Design Studio Generic Data Mapper Service gdmservice TDB
Design Studio TOSCAGeneratorClient TOSCAModelGeneratorClient 2.0.8
License-Manager License-Manager License-Manager-Client-Library 1.5.1
Acumos R Client Acumos-r-client acumos-r-client 0.3.0
Acumos C Client Acumos-c-client acumos-c-client 1.2
Acumos Python Client Acumos-python-client acumos-python-client 0.9.5
Python Model Runner Python-model-runner python-model-runner 0.2.4

Modeler Client Libraries

These libraries are used by modelers on their local workstations to prepare models for onboarding.

Project Component Version Location
Model Onboarding acumos-java-client 4.2.0 Nexus