ML(Machine Learning) Workbench DataSource Service Developer Guide

1. Overview

This is the developers guide to ML Workbench DataSource Service.

1.1. What is ML Workbench DataSource Service?

ML Workbench DataSource Service expose API to allow to perform CRUD operation on DataSource in ML Workbench.

2. Technology and Frameworks

List of the development languages, frameworks, etc.

  1. Springboot 2.1.8.RELEASE
  2. Java 11
  3. Maven 4.0.0
  4. lightcouch 0.2.0
  5. JUnit 4.12

3. Project Resources

4. Development Setup

  1. Clone or download code from “Gerrit repo” mentioned above.

  2. Import datasource-service Project in IDE (viz., Eclipse or STC)

  3. Once successfully imported, set the required properties in file.

  4. Run as Springboot application.

  5. Access using Swagger UI : http://localhost:9097/mlWorkbench/v1/datasource/swagger-ui.html#

  6. Once you get the Swagger UI, click Authorize button and provide JWT token as below :

    Bearer <JWT token for Acumos User>

    Note: JWT token value can be obtained after successful login in Acumos.

  7. After successfully setting Authorize value, API are available to access. Following are the sample inputs :

    1.Get DataSource List


    authenticatedUserId : User login Id,

    category : category,

    namespace : datasource namespace,

    textSearch : textSearch


    2.Get DataSource


    authenticatedUserId : User login Id,

    dataSourceKey : DataSource Key


    3.Create New DataSource


    authenticatedUserId : User login Id,

    DataSource : DataSource Object


    4.Update DataSource Details


    authenticatedUserId : User login Id,

    dataSourceKey : DataSource Key (DataSource Id),

    DataSource : DataSource Object


    5.Delete DataSource Details


    authenticatedUserId : User login Id,

    dataSourceKey : DataSource Key (DataSource Id)


    6.Associate the DataSource to the project


    authenticatedUserId : User login Id,

    projectId : Project Id,

    dataSourceKey : DataSource Key (DataSource Id),

    DataSource : DataSource object


    7.Update the Association Details of DataSourceProject


    authenticatedUserId : User login Id,

    projectId : Project Id,

    dataSourceKey : DataSource Key (DataSource Id),

    associationId : Association Id,

    DataSource : dataSource object


    8.Get the list of DataSources which are associated to a project


    authenticatedUserId : User login Id,

    projectId : Project Id


    9.Delete the Association Details of DataSourceProject


    authenticatedUserId : User login Id,

    projectId : Project Id,

    datasourceKey : Data Source key,

    associationId : Association Id


    10.Share Data Source to a Collaborator


    authenticatedUserId : User login Id,

    datasourceKey : Data Source key,

    Users : collaborators


    11.Get the Shared DataSources for a User


    authenticatedUserId : User login Id


    12.Remove the User from Collaborator List


    authenticatedUserId : User login Id,

    datasourceKey : Data Source key,

    Users : collaborators
