Portal Marketplace Developer Guide

What is MarketPlace?

Acumos provides a toolkit-independent ‘App Store’, called a Marketplace for:

  1. Data-powered decision making and artificial intelligence software models.
  2. It provides a means to securely share AI microservices along with information on how they perform, such as ratings, popularity statistics and user-provided reviews to apply crowd sourcing to software development..
  3. The platform provides integration between model developers and applications in order to automate the process of user feedback, exception handling and software updates..

Target Users

This guide is targeted towards the open source user community that intends to understand the functionality of the MarketPlace.

MarketPlace - High level Architecture

MarketPlace High level Architecture MarketPlace High level Architecture

MarketPlace Backend APIs

  • Admin Service
  • Auth Service
  • Market Place Catalog Service
  • Notification Services
  • Oauth User Service
  • Publish Request Service
  • Publish Solution Service
  • Push And Pull Solution Service
  • User Role Services
  • User Service Services
  • Validation Status Services
  • Web Based Onboarding Services

MarketPlace Flow Structure

  1. Page Name: Acumos Home Screen
    1. User Authentication Required: NO
    2. Page Visibility to User: ALL
    3. Navigation Menu: Market Place, Manage Models, Docs, SIGN IN , SIGN UP
    4. Page Content: Featured Machine Learning Models/Solutions along with option to view all Solutions.
    5. When User open Acumos Page, He/she will be presented with Acumos Home Screen with Featured Machine Learning Solutions in catalog Format (Tiles)
    6. Admin Role is created with name as Admin inside Role tables in CDS DB.
  2. Page Name: Model/Solution Landing Page
    1. Navigation: Acumos Home -> Market Place -> Model/Solution Landing Page
    2. User Authentication Required: NO (Read Only), Yes (For Downloads, Deploy and to add Review Comment)
    3. Page Visibility: ALL
    4. Navigation Menu: Market Place, Manage Models, Docs, SIGN IN, SIGN UP
    5. Page Content: Machine Learning Solution Landing Page with Title, Description, API Usage (Input & Output swagger UI format to test API), Images/Videos. Bottom of the screen should display ratings, reviews from other users and options to add review. Buttons needed <Download> & <Deploy to Cloud>. Social Media Sharing options also need to be displayed. Deploy to Cloud should only provide MS Azure option.
    6. Clicking on either of <Download>,<“Deploy to Clou> ” or<“Add review> should prompt user to SIGN IN.
    7. If User is already signed in, then clicking on:
    8. <Download> should download the Machine Learning Solution to user laptop/computer.
    9. <Deploy to Cloud> should prompt details about MS Azure (Inputs TBD)
    10. <Add Review Comment> with text in the comment field should add the new comment.
  3. Page Name: My Models
    1. Under Manage Models Menu, Options available are: <Add new Model>,<“My Model> <Delete a Model>
    2. Navigation: Acumos Home -> Manage Models -> My Models
    3. User Authentication Required: Yes
    4. Navigation Menu: Market Place, Manage Models, Docs, Notification, My Profile, Log Out
    5. Page Content: Machine Learning Solutions and Composite Solutions are displayed in a catalog format. Icons on these solutions should allow to distinguish Single Modelled Solutions, Composite Solutions, Unpublished, published (Public Market Place & Company Market Place) as well as newly created Solutions which does not have any title/description etc.
  4. Page Name: Manage Models - My Models - Model Landing Page
    1. Under Manage Models Menu, Options available are: <Add new Model>,<“My Model> <Delete a Model>
    2. User Authentication Required: Yes
    3. Navigation Menu: Market Place, Manage Models, Docs, Notification, My Profile, Log Out
    4. Page Content: If User has clicked on newly added Machine Learning Solution that does not have any Title/Description etc then Machine Learning Solution Landing Page with fields for Title, Description, API Usage (Input & Output swagger UI format to test API), Images/Videos will be displayed where User can add all the information using WYSIWYG editor.

4.1. User can save and view the preview of the Solutions like it would display on the Market Place.

4.2 Once Saved, User can then Submit the Solution for publishing to Public Market Place or Company Market Place by clicking buttons <Publish to Public Market Place> and <Publish to Company Market Place>. Clicking on these two buttons will kick off the Certification Process which would allow the Solution to be able to publish on Company Market Place i.e local Market Place and it would also be allowed to be published on Public Market Place.

4.3 User would also be able to Share the Solutions with individuals or group or communities within the local Acumos instance i.e Company Acumos by clicking on <Share with Team> which will open a pop up to lookup for the User/Group/Communities.

4.4 Certification Process requirements is TBD and once available , the user experience/Wireframes can be discusses later.

1.6 User Account Signup Flow :

User Account Signup Flow

1.7 User Account Login Flow :

User Account Login Flow

1.8 Market Place Catalog Flow :

Market Place Catalog Flow

1.9 Model Detail Page Flow :

Model Detail Page Flow

Market Place Catalog Service API

Get Solution Details

GET http://<host and optionally port>/solutions/{solutionId}

Fetches Solution Detail for the given SolutionId.

Response Body Example:

    "accessType": "string",
    "active": true,
    "commentId": "string",
    "commentsCount": 0,
    "companyModelCount": 0,
    "created": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
    "deletedModelCount": 0,
    "description": "string",
    "downloadCount": 0,
    "errorDetails": "string",
    "latestRevisionId": "string",
    "loginName": "string",
    "metadata": "string",
    "modelType": "string",
    "modelTypeName": "string",
    "modified": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
    "name": "string",
    "onboardingStatusFailed": true,
    "ownerId": "string",
    "ownerListForSol": [
            "active": "string",
            "admin": true,
            "apiTokenHash": "string",
            "bulkUpdate": "string",
            "created": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
            "emailId": "string",
            "firstLogin": true,
            "firstName": "string",
            "jwtToken": "string",
            "jwttoken": "string",
            "lastLogin": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
            "lastName": "string",
            "loginName": "string",
            "loginPassExpire": true,
            "modified": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
            "orgName": "string",
            "password": "string",
            "picture": [
            "publisher": true,
            "role": "string",
            "roleId": "string",
            "status": "string",
            "tags": [
                    "tag": "Classification"
            "updatedRole": "string",
            "updatedRoleId": "string",
            "userAssignedRolesList": [
                    "active": false,
                    "created": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
                    "modified": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
                    "name": "My role",
                    "roleId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab"
            "userId": "string",
            "userIdList": [
            "userNewRoleList": [
            "userRolesList": {},
            "username": "string",
            "verifyToken": "string"
    "ownerName": "string",
    "pageNo": 0,
    "pendingApproval": true,
    "picture": [
    "privateModelCount": 0,
    "publicModelCount": 0,
    "publisher": "string",
    "ratingAverageTenths": 0,
    "ratingCount": 0,
    "refreshInterval": 0,
    "revisions": [
            "accessTypeCode": "PB",
            "authors": "My name\tMy contact",
            "created": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
            "description": "string",
            "metadata": "string",
            "modified": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
            "origin": "http://acumos.remote.com/a/b/c",
            "publisher": "My company",
            "revisionId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "solutionId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "sourceId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "userId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "validationStatusCode": "NV",
            "version": "v1.0"
    "selector": "string",
    "size": 0,
    "solutionId": "string",
    "solutionRating": 0,
    "solutionRatingAvg": 0,
    "solutionTag": "string",
    "solutionTagList": [
            "tag": "Classification"
    "sortingOrder": "string",
    "threadId": "string",
    "threadList": [
            "revisionId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "solutionId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "threadId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "title": "string"
    "tookitType": "string",
    "tookitTypeName": "string",
    "validationStatusCode": "string",
    "viewCount": 0

Update Solution

PUT http://<host and optionally port>/solutions/{solutionId}

Update Solution Detail for the given SolutionId.

Request Body Example:

    "request_body": {
        "accessType": "string",
        "active": true,
        "description": "string",
        "modelType": "string",
        "modelTypeName": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "ownerId": "string",
        "picture": [
        "solutionId": "string",
        "tookitType": "string",
        "validationStatusCode": "string",
    "request_from": "string",
    "request_id": "string"

Response Body Example:

    "accessType": "string",
    "active": true,
    "commentId": "string",
    "commentsCount": 0,
    "companyModelCount": 0,
    "created": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
    "deletedModelCount": 0,
    "description": "string",
    "downloadCount": 0,
    "errorDetails": "string",
    "latestRevisionId": "string",
    "loginName": "string",
    "metadata": "string",
    "modelType": "string",
    "modelTypeName": "string",
    "modified": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
    "name": "string",
    "onboardingStatusFailed": true,
    "ownerId": "string",
    "ownerListForSol": [
            "active": "string",
            "admin": true,
            "apiTokenHash": "string",
            "bulkUpdate": "string",
            "created": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
            "emailId": "string",
            "firstLogin": true,
            "firstName": "string",
            "jwtToken": "string",
            "jwttoken": "string",
            "lastLogin": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
            "lastName": "string",
            "loginName": "string",
            "loginPassExpire": true,
            "modified": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
            "orgName": "string",
            "password": "string",
            "picture": [
            "publisher": true,
            "role": "string",
            "roleId": "string",
            "status": "string",
            "tags": [
                    "tag": "Classification"
            "updatedRole": "string",
            "updatedRoleId": "string",
            "userAssignedRolesList": [
                    "active": false,
                    "created": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
                    "modified": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
                    "name": "My role",
                    "roleId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab"
            "userId": "string",
            "userIdList": [
            "userNewRoleList": [
            "userRolesList": {},
            "username": "string",
            "verifyToken": "string"
    "ownerName": "string",
    "pageNo": 0,
    "pendingApproval": true,
    "picture": [
    "privateModelCount": 0,
    "publicModelCount": 0,
    "publisher": "string",
    "ratingAverageTenths": 0,
    "ratingCount": 0,
    "refreshInterval": 0,
    "revisions": [
            "accessTypeCode": "PB",
            "authors": "My name\tMy contact",
            "created": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
            "description": "string",
            "metadata": "string",
            "modified": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.773Z",
            "origin": "http://acumos.remote.com/a/b/c",
            "publisher": "My company",
            "revisionId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "solutionId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "sourceId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "userId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "validationStatusCode": "NV",
            "version": "v1.0"
    "selector": "string",
    "size": 0,
    "solutionId": "string",
    "solutionRating": 0,
    "solutionRatingAvg": 0,
    "solutionTag": "string",
    "solutionTagList": [
            "tag": "Classification"
    "sortingOrder": "string",
    "threadId": "string",
    "threadList": [
            "revisionId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "solutionId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "threadId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "title": "string"
    "tookitType": "string",
    "tookitTypeName": "string",
    "validationStatusCode": "string",
    "viewCount": 0

Get Solution Revisions

GET http://<host and optionally port>/solutions/{solutionId}/revisions

Gets a list of Solution Revision from the Catalog of the local Acumos Instance.

Response Body Example:

    "status": true,
    "status_code": 0,
    "response_detail": "string",
    "response_code": "200",
    "response_body": [
            "accessTypeCode": "PB",
            "authors": "My name\tMy contact",
            "created": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.801Z",
            "description": "string",
            "metadata": "string",
            "modified": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.801Z",
            "origin": "http://acumos.remote.com/a/b/c",
            "publisher": "My company",
            "revisionId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "solutionId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "sourceId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "userId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "validationStatusCode": "NV",
            "version": "v1.0"
    "content": null,
    "error_code": null

Get Solution Revisions Artifacts

GET http://<host and optionally port>/solutions/{solutionId}/revisions/{revisionId}

Gets a list of Solution Revision Artifacts from the Catalog of the local Acumos Instance.

Response Body Example:

    "status": true,
    "status_code": 0,
    "response_detail": "success",
    "response_code": "200",
    "response_body": [
            "artifactId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "artifactTypeCode": "MS",
            "created": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.807Z",
            "description": "string",
            "metadata": "string",
            "modified": "2018-10-17T19:23:59.807Z",
            "name": "My artifact",
            "size": 65536,
            "uri": "http://archive.company.com/artifacts/my_artifact_name",
            "userId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
            "version": "v1.0"
    "content": null,
    "error_code": null

Get Shared Users of Solution

GET http://<host and optionally port>/solution/userAccess/{solutionId}

Gets a user access Detail for the given SolutionId.

Response Body Example:

   "response_detail":"Users for solution fetched Successfully",
                  "name":"My role",

Add Shared User for Solution

POST http://<host and optionally port>/solution/userAccess/{solutionId}/add

Adds user access Detail for the given SolutionId.

Request Body Example:

    "request_body": [
        "<String userId>"
    "request_from": "string",
    "request_id": "string"

Response Body Example:

            "name":"My role",
            "name":"My role",

Find POrtal Solutions

POST http://<host and optionally port>/portal/solutions

Search the solutions according to the parameters.

Request Body Example:


Response Body Example:

            "name":"My role",
            "name":"My role",

Find User’s Solutions

POST http://<host and optionally port>"/user/solutions

Search the solutions for a user filtered according to the parameters.

Request Body Example:


Response Body Example:

            "name":"My role",
            "name":"My role",

Get Authors of Solutions Revision

GET http://<host and optionally port>/solution/{solutionId}/revision/{revisionId}/authors

Get Authors of Solution Revision.

Response Body Example:

    "status": null,
    "status_code": 0,
    "response_detail": "Author fetched Successfully",
    "response_code": null,
    "response_body": [
            "contact": "string",
            "name": "string"
    "content": null,
    "error_code": "100"

Add Authors to Solutions Revision

PUT http://<host and optionally port>/solution/{solutionId}/revision/{revisionId}/authors

Add Authors to Solution Revision.

Request Body Example:

    "request_body": {
        "contact": "string",
        "name": "string"
    "request_from": "string",
    "request_id": "string"

Response Body Example:

    "status": null,
    "status_code": 0,
    "response_detail": "Author Added Successfully",
    "response_code": null,
    "response_body": [
            "contact": "string",
            "name": "string"
    "content": null,
    "error_code": "100"

Add Authors to Solutions Revision

PUT http://<host and optionally port>/solution/{solutionId}/revision/{revisionId}/removeAuthor

Remove Author from Solution Revision.

Request Body Example:

    "request_body": {
        "contact": "string",
        "name": "string"
    "request_from": "string",
    "request_id": "string"

Response Body Example:

    "status": null,
    "status_code": 0,
    "response_detail": "Author Added Successfully",
    "response_code": null,
    "response_body": [
            "contact": "string",
            "name": "string"
    "content": null,
    "error_code": "100"

Get Documents for a solution Revision

GET http://<host and optionally port>/solution/{solutionId}/revision/{revisionId}/{accessType}/document

Get Solution Revision Documents.

Response Body Example:

   "response_detail":"Fetched Documents Successfully",

Add Document for a solution Revision

POST http://<host and optionally port>/solution/{solutionId}/revision/{revisionId}/{accessType}/document

Add Solution Revision Documents.

Request Body Example: Binary File

Response Body Example:

   "response_detail":"Document Added Successfully",

Add/Update Solutions Revision Description

POST http://<host and optionally port>/solution/revision/{revisionId}/{accessType}/description

Add/Update Solution Revision Description.

Request Body Example:

    "request_body": {
        "accessTypeCode": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "revisionId": "string"
    "request_from": "string",
    "request_id": "string"

Response Body Example:

    "status": null,
    "status_code": 0,
    "response_detail": "Description Fetched Successfully",
    "response_code": null,
    "response_body": {
        "description": "string",
        "revisionId": "string",
        "accessTypeCode": "string"
    "content": null,
    "error_code": "100"

Get Solution Revision Description

GET http://<host and optionally port>/solution/revision/{revisionId}/{accessType}/description

GET Solution Revision Description.

Response Body Example:

    "status": null,
    "status_code": 0,
    "response_detail": "Description Fetched Successfully",
    "response_code": null,
    "response_body": {
        "description": "string",
        "revisionId": "string",
        "accessTypeCode": "string"
    "content": null,
    "error_code": "100"

Remove Document for a solution Revision

DELETE http://<host and optionally port>/solution/{solutionId}/revision/{revisionId}/{accessType}/document/{documentId}

Remove Solution Revision Documents.

Request Body Example: Binary File

Response Body Example:

   "response_detail":"Document Added Successfully",
      "    ":"2018-10-18T19:23:59.739Z",

Push And Pull Solution Service API

Download Solution Artifact

GET http://<host and optionally port>/downloads/{solutionId}

Download the dockerized Image Artifact of the Machine Learning Solution

Request Body Example:

    "request_body": {
        "solutionId" : "d1ef3a94-a5e0-482b-983f-ed4f25420b00",
        "artifactId" : "8f5bfb9f-c6ff-4860-a402-56c02fed040d",
        "revisionId" : "dd1c3fba-2ddb-4f0a-b864-da70642be71c",
        "userId"     : "<userId>"

Response Body Example:

Binary file will be downloaded.

Upload the Model/Solution

POST http://<host and optionally port>/model/upload/{userId}

Upload the model to the server

Request Body Example:

Binary zip file

Response Body Example:

Response Code : 200 Ok

Model will be uploaded.

If the file is not in zip format or does not contain required files we will get error like below.

Zip File does not contain required files D:Docssolution.zip

Zip File Required. Original File : D:DocsBLUEPRINT-E55671D6-A40E-4137-86FC-EDAE372AAAD3-1.0.1.json

Download the Solution Revision Document

GET http://<host and optionally port>/solution/revision/document/{documentId}

Download the documents of the Solution.

Response Body Example:

The Supporting document of ML Solution will be downloaded.

Publish Solution Service API

Publish Solution

PUT http://<host and optionally port>/publish/{solutionId}

Publishes a given SolutionId for userId with selected visibility.

Request Body Example:

    "request_body": {
        "solutionId" : "345949aa-ecd4-418f-9257-88ed008ec303",
        "visibility" : "PB",
        "userId" : "<userId>",
        "revisionId" : "2cd69738-9d03-4c43-9c65-9f7d65abee23"

Response Body Example:

    "status": null,
    "status_code": 0,
    "response_detail": "<trackingId>",
    "response_code": null,
    "response_body": null,
    "content": null,
    "error_code": "100"

Admin Service API

Get User Carousal Configuration

Gets list of Site configuration filtered with user’s preferred tags.

GET http://<host and optionally port>/admin/user/carouseConfig

Response Body Example:

   "response_detail":"getUserCarousalConfiguration fetched Successfully",
            "name":"Test Slide",
            "headline":"Test Slide ok",
            "supportingContent":"<p>Just for test</p>",
            "name":"slide 5",
            "headline":"slide 5",

Enabling SignUp Service

GET http://<host and optionally port>/admin/signup/enabled

Get SignUp Enabled and verify and return Success

Response Body Example:

    "status": true,
    "status_code": 200,
    "response_detail": "Success",
    "response_code": null,
    "response_body": "true",
    "content": null,
    "error_code": null

Authentication Service

POST http://<host and optionally port>/auth/jwtToken

This api is used to validate user by accepting there emailid or username.return success & JWT token if account created successfully else an error message is returned:

Request Body Example:

        "request_body": {
        "password": <"Password">
        "username": "<"Username">

Response Body Example:

    "loginPassExpire": false,
    "userAssignedRolesList": [
            "created": 1536367599000,
            "modified": 1538142743000,
            "roleId": "497ddcfb-a15c-4729-8bf7-41a6ea4a33ed",
            "name": "Publisher",
            "active": true
            "created": 1513691459000,
            "modified": 1538142622000,
            "roleId": "8c850f07-4352-4afd-98b1-00cbceca569f",
            "name": "Admin",
            "active": true
    "firstLogin": false,
    "jwtToken": <"Jwttoken">,
    "admin": true,
    "publisher": true

Login service using Authentication token

POST http://<host and optionally port>/auth/login

Allows User to login to the Platform using emailId or username. Returns Success & JWT Token if Account created successfully; else an error message is returned.

Request Body Example:

        "request_body": {
        "password": <"Password">
        "username": "<"Username">

Response Body Example:


Operation Name - Add User

Add User from Admin

Request Body Example:


 "request_body": {
   "admin": "true"
   "emailId": "<emailid>",
   "firstName": "<firstname>",
   "jwtToken": "<jwttoken>",
   "jwttoken": "<jwttoken>",
   "lastLogin": "2018-10-19T13:52:25.104Z",
   "lastName": "<lastname>",
   "loginName": "<loginname>",
   "loginPassExpire": true,
   "password": "<password>",
   "userId": "<userid>"
   "username": "<username>",

Response Body Example:

 "active": false,
 "created": "2018-10-19T13:52:25.097Z",
 "modified": "2018-10-19T13:52:25.097Z",
 "name": "My role",
 "roleId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab"

Operation Name - create Config

Create site configuration

Request Body Example:

 "request_body": {
   "configKey": "site_config_key_1",
   "configValue": "{ \"tag\" : \"value\" }",
   "userId": "<userid>"

Response Body Example:

 "configKey": "site_config_key_1",
 "configValue": "{ \"tag\" : \"value\" }",
 "created": "2018-10-19T13:52:25.117Z",
 "modified": "2018-10-19T13:52:25.117Z",
 "userId": "<userid>"

Operation Name - Remove Config

Remove Site Configuraion

Request Body Example:

"request_body": {
"configKey": "<configKey>"

Response Body Example:

"content": {},
"error_code": "No Pages Found",
"response_body": {},
"status": true,
"status_code": 0


Operation Name - List of Config

Gets list of Site configuration

Request Body Example:

 "request_body": {
 "configKey": "<configKey>"


Response Body Example:
   "configKey": "<configKey",
   "configValue": "<configValue>",
   "created": "2018-10-19T13:52:25.130Z",
   "modified": "2018-10-19T13:52:25.130Z",
   "userId": "<userId>"

Operation Name - Update Config

Update site configuration

Request Body Example:


"request_body": {


Response Body Example:

"status": true,
"status_code": 200,
"response_detail": "Success",
"response_code": null,
"response_body": "http://www.mycompany.com/",
"content": null,
"error_code": null

Operation Name - Get Dashboard

Get Dashboard URL

Request Body Example:

 "request_body": {
 "fieldToDirectionMap": {},
 "page": 0,
 "size": 0


Response Body Example:
"status": null,
"status_code": 0,
"response_detail": "Peers fetched Successfully",
"response_code": null,
"response_body": {
  "content": [
      "created": 1533653577000,
      "modified": 1533670420000,
      "peerId": "<peerId>",
      "name": "<name>",
      "subjectName": "sss",
      "description": "test",
      "apiUrl": "<apiURL>",
      "webUrl": "<webURL>",
      "contact1": "<Contact1>",
      "statusCode": "DC",
      "validationStatusCode": "PS",
      "local": false,
      "self": false
      "created": 1537798150000,
      "modified": 1538387700000,
      "peerId": "<peerID>",
      "name": "<name>",
      "subjectName": "www.NeerajTestPeer001.com",
      "description": "",
      "apiUrl": "<apiURL>",
      "webUrl": "<webURL>",
      "contact1": "<Contact1>",
      "statusCode": "DC",
      "validationStatusCode": "PS",
      "local": false,
      "self": false
      "created": 1533661440000,
      "modified": 1533670411000,
      "peerId": "<peerid>",
      "name": "Test",
      "subjectName": "http://test.com",
      "description": "",
      "apiUrl": "<apiURL>",
      "webUrl": "<webURL>",
      "contact1": "<contact1>",
      "statusCode": "DC",
      "validationStatusCode": "PS",
      "local": false,
      "self": false
"content": null,
"error_code": "100"

Operation Name - Get Paginated List

Gets paginated list of All Peers

Request Body Example:

 "request_body": {
 "fieldToDirectionMap": {},
 "page": 5,
 "size": 0

Response Body Example:

   "apiUrl": "<apiURL>",
   "contact1": "<Contact1>",
   "created": "2018-10-19T13:52:12.070Z",
   "description": "Page created SuccessFully",
   "local": true,
   "modified": "2018-10-19T13:52:12.070Z",
   "name": "<name>",
   "peerId": "<PeerID>",
   "self": true,
   "statusCode": "AC",
   "subjectName": "peer.company.com"
   "validationStatusCode": "NV",
   "webUrl": "<WebURL>"


Operation Name - Add Peer

Add a new peer

Request Body Example:


"request_body": {
  "apiUrl": "<apiurl>",
  "contact1": "<contact1>",
  "created": "2018-10-19T13:52:25.201Z",
  "modified": "2018-10-19T13:52:25.201Z",
  "name": "<name>",
  "peerId": "<peerId>",
  "self": true,
  "statusCode": "AC",
  "subjectName": "peer.company.com",
  "validationStatusCode": "NV",
  "webUrl": "string"


Response Body Example:
 "apiUrl": "<apiurl>",
 "contact1": "<contact1>",
 "created": "2018-10-19T13:52:25.198Z",
  "description": "Peers created",
 "local": true,
 "modified": "2018-10-19T13:52:25.198Z",
 "name": "<name>",
 "peerId": "<peerId>",
 "self": true,
 "statusCode": "AC",
 "subjectName": "peer.company.com",
 "validationStatusCode": "NV",
 "webUrl": "<webUrl>"

Operation Name - Delete Peer

Remove Peer Subscription

Request Body Example:

 "request_body": {

Response Body Example:

"content": {},
"error_code": "Not created ID",
"response_body": {},
"response_code": "<response Code>",
"response_detail": "<response Details>",
"status": true,
"status_code": 0


Operation Name - Get Requests

Gets a list of Requests

Request Body Example:

 "request_body": {
 "fieldToDirectionMap": {},
   "page": <pageNo>,
 "size": <size>

Response Body Example:

 "allTagsSet": [
 "async": {
   "cancelled": true,
   "done": true
 "commentsCount": 0,
 "commentsList": [
     "commentId": "<commentID>",
     "created": "2018-10-19T13:52:12.152Z",
     "modified": "2018-10-19T13:52:12.152Z",
     "parentId": "<parentID>",
     "text": "Best model ever",
     "threadId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
     "userId": "<userID>"
 "companyModelCount": 0,
 "content": [
 "deletedModelCount": 0,
 "filteredTagSet": [
 "first": true,
 "jwtToken": "string",
 "last": true,
 "modelsSharedWithUser": [
     "active": false,
     "created": "2018-10-19T13:52:12.152Z",
     "description": "string",
     "metadata": "string",
     "modelTypeCode": "CL",
     "modified": "2018-10-19T13:52:12.152Z",
     "name": "My solution",
     "origin": "string",
     "picture": [
     "solutionId": "<SolutionID>",
     "sourceId": "<SourceID>",
     "tags": [
         "tag": "Classification"
     "toolkitTypeCode": "SK",
     "userId": "<userID>",
     "webStats": {
                 "downloadCount": 0,
       "featured": true,
       "lastDownload": "2018-10-19T13:52:12.152Z",
       "ratingAverageTenths": 0,
       "ratingCount": 0,
       "solutionId": "string",
       "viewCount": 0
 "number": 0,
 "numberOfElements": 0,
 "pageCount": 0,
 "prefTags": [
 "privateModelCount": 0,
 "publicModelCount": 0,
 "requestList": [
             "action": "string",
     "date": "2018-10-19T13:52:12.152Z",
     "requestId": "string",
     "requestType": "string",
     "requestedDetails": "string",
     "sender": "string",
     "status": "string"
 "responseObject": {
   "admin": true,
   "firstLogin": true,
   "jwtToken": "string",
   "loginPassExpire": true,
   "publisher": true,
   "userAssignedRolesList": [
       "active": false,
       "created": "2018-10-19T13:52:12.152Z",
       "modified": "2018-10-19T13:52:12.153Z",
       "name": "My role",
       "roleId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab"
 "size": 0,
 "sort": {},
 "tags": [
 "threadCount": 0,
 "threads": [
     "revisionId": "<revisionID>",
     "solutionId": "<solutionID>",
     "threadId": "<threadID>",
     "title": "<title>"
 "totalElements": 0,
 "totalPages": 0,
 "userList": [
     "active": "string",
     "admin": true,
     "apiTokenHash": "<apitoken",
     "bulkUpdate": "<bulkUpdate>",
     "created": "2018-10-19T13:52:12.153Z",
     "emailId": "string",
     "firstLogin": true,
     "firstName": "string",
     "jwtToken": "string",
     "jwttoken": "string",
     "lastLogin": "2018-10-19T13:52:12.153Z",
     "lastName": "string",
     "loginName": "string",
     "loginPassExpire": true,
     "modified": "2018-10-19T13:52:12.153Z",
     "orgName": "string",
     "password": "string",
     "picture": [
     "publisher": true,
     "role": "string",
     "roleId": "string",
     "status": "string",
     "tags": [
         "tag": "Classification"
     "userRolesList": {},
     "username": "<username>",
     "verifyToken": "<token>"

Operation Name - Logout Service

Allows Users to logout to the Platform . Returns Success & JWT Token if Account created successfully; else an error message is returned

Request Body Example:

"request_body": {
  "password": "<password>",
  "username": "<username>"

Response Body Example:

 "admin": true,
 "firstLogin": true,
 "jwtToken": "<jwttoken>",
 "loginPassExpire": true,
 "message": "Successfull logged out",
 "publisher": true,
 "resultCode": 0,
 "userAssignedRolesList": [
     "active": false,
     "created": "2018-10-22T09:35:54.399Z",
     "modified": "2018-10-22T09:35:54.399Z",
     "name": "<name>",
     "roleId": "<roleID>"


Operation Name - check validation Status

Provide the Validation status for the application

Request Body Example:

"request_body": {


Response Body Example:

 "content": {},
 "error_code": "string",
 "response_body": {},
 "response_code": "<response>",
 "response_detail": "<detail>",
 "status": true,
 "status_code": 0


Operation Name - Logout Service

Allows Users to logout to the Platform . Returns Success & JWT Token if Account created successfully; else an error message is returned

Request Body Example:

  "password": "<password>",
  "username": "<username>"

Response Body Example:

 "admin": true,
 "firstLogin": true,
 "jwtToken": "<jwttoken>",
 "loginPassExpire": true,
 "message": "Successfull logged out",
 "publisher": true,
 "resultCode": 0
 "userAssignedRolesList": [
     "active": false,
     "created": "2018-10-22T09:35:54.399Z",
     "modified": "2018-10-22T09:35:54.399Z",
     "name": "<name>",
     "roleId": "<roleID>"

Operation Name - Validation Status

Provide the Validation status for the application

Request Body Example:

"request_body": {


Response Body Example:

 "content": {},
 "error_code": "string",
 "response_body": {},
 "response_code": "<response>",
 "response_detail": "<detail>",
 "status": true,
 "status_code": 0

Gateway Service

Ping Gateway

GET http://<host and optionally port>/gateway/ping/{peerId}

Checks the connection to a gateway instance.

Response Body Example:

    "content": {},
    "error_code": "string",
    "response_body": {},
    "response_code": "string",
    "response_detail": "string",
    "status": true,
    "status_code": 400

Gateway Solutions

POST http://<host and optionally port>/gateway/solutions

Fetches all solutions from a gateway given provided categories or toolkit type.

Request Body Example:

    "peerSubscription" : {
        "request_body": {
            "accessType": "PB",
            "created": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.633Z",
            "maxArtifactSize": 0,
            "modified": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.633Z",
            "options": "{ \"jsonTag\" : \"jsonValue\" }",
            "peerId": "<peer id>",
            "processed": "1521202458867",
            "refreshInterval": 60,
            "scopeType": "RF",
            "selector": "{ \"modelTypeCode\" : \"CL\" }",
            "subId": 0,
              "userId": "<user id>"
        "request_from": "string",
        "request_id": "string"

Response Body Example:

            "accessType": "string",
            "active": true,
            "commentId": "string",
            "commentsCount": 0,
            "companyModelCount": 0,
            "created": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.749Z",
            "deletedModelCount": 0,
            "description": "string",
            "downloadCount": 0,
            "errorDetails": "string",
            "latestRevisionId": "string",
            "loginName": "string",
            "metadata": "string",
            "modelType": "string",
            "modelTypeName": "string",
            "modified": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.749Z",
            "name": "string",
            "onboardingStatusFailed": true,
            "ownerId": "string",
            "ownerListForSol": [
                    "active": "string",
                    "admin": true,
                    "apiTokenHash": "string",
                    "bulkUpdate": "string",
                    "created": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.749Z",
                    "emailId": "string",
                    "firstLogin": true,
                    "firstName": "string",
                    "jwtToken": "string",
                    "jwttoken": "string",
                    "lastLogin": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.749Z",
                    "lastName": "string",
                    "loginName": "string",
                    "loginPassExpire": true,
                    "modified": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.749Z",
                    "orgName": "string",
                    "password": "string",
                    "picture": [
                    "publisher": true,
                    "role": "string",
                    "roleId": "string",
                    "status": "string",
                    "tags": [
                            "tag": "Classification"
                    "updatedRole": "string",
                    "updatedRoleId": "string",
                    "userAssignedRolesList": [
                            "active": false,
                            "created": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.750Z",
                            "modified": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.750Z",
                            "name": "My role",
                            "roleId": "<role id>"
                    "userId": "string",
                    "userIdList": [
                    "userNewRoleList": [
                    "userRolesList": {},
                    "username": "string",
                    "verifyToken": "string"
            "ownerName": "string",
            "pageNo": 0,
            "pendingApproval": true,
            "picture": [
            "privateModelCount": 0,
            "publicModelCount": 0,
            "publisher": "string",
            "ratingAverageTenths": 0,
            "ratingCount": 0,
            "refreshInterval": 0,
            "revisions": [
                    "accessTypeCode": "PB",
                    "authors": "My name\tMy contact",
                    "created": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.750Z",
                    "description": "string",
                    "metadata": "string",
                    "modified": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.750Z",
                    "origin": "<origin url>",
                    "publisher": "My company",
                    "revisionId": "<revision id>",
                    "solutionId": "<solution id>",
                    "sourceId": "<source id>",
                    "userId": "<user id>",
                    "validationStatusCode": "NV",
                    "version": "v1.0"
            "selector": "string",
            "size": 0,
            "solutionId": "string",
            "solutionRating": 0,
            "solutionRatingAvg": 0,
            "solutionTag": "string",
            "solutionTagList": [
                    "tag": "Classification"
            "sortingOrder": "string",
            "threadId": "string",
            "threadList": [
                    "revisionId": "<revision id>",
                    "solutionId": "<solution id>",
                    "threadId": "<thread id>",
                    "title": "string"
            "tookitType": "string",
            "tookitTypeName": "string",
            "validationStatusCode": "string",
            "viewCount": 0

Get Gateway Solution

GET http://<host and optionally port>/gateway/{solutionId}/solution/{peerId}

Fetches a specific solution from a gateway.

Request Body Example:

    "solutionId" : "<solution id>",
    "peerId" : "<peer id>"

Response Body Example:

    "accessType": "string",
    "active": true,
    "commentId": "string",
    "commentsCount": 0,
    "companyModelCount": 0,
    "created": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.749Z",
    "deletedModelCount": 0,
    "description": "string",
    "downloadCount": 0,
    "errorDetails": "string",
    "latestRevisionId": "string",
    "loginName": "string",
    "metadata": "string",
    "modelType": "string",
    "modelTypeName": "string",
    "modified": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.749Z",
    "name": "string",
    "onboardingStatusFailed": true,
    "ownerId": "string",
    "ownerListForSol": [
            "active": "string",
            "admin": true,
            "apiTokenHash": "string",
            "bulkUpdate": "string",
            "created": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.749Z",
            "emailId": "string",
            "firstLogin": true,
            "firstName": "string",
            "jwtToken": "string",
            "jwttoken": "string",
            "lastLogin": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.749Z",
            "lastName": "string",
            "loginName": "string",
            "loginPassExpire": true,
            "modified": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.749Z",
            "orgName": "string",
            "password": "string",
            "picture": [
            "publisher": true,
            "role": "string",
            "roleId": "string",
            "status": "string",
            "tags": [
                    "tag": "Classification"
            "updatedRole": "string",
            "updatedRoleId": "string",
            "userAssignedRolesList": [
                    "active": false,
                    "created": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.750Z",
                    "modified": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.750Z",
                    "name": "My role",
                    "roleId": "<role id>"
            "userId": "string",
            "userIdList": [
            "userNewRoleList": [
            "userRolesList": {},
            "username": "string",
            "verifyToken": "string"
    "ownerName": "string",
    "pageNo": 0,
    "pendingApproval": true,
    "picture": [
    "privateModelCount": 0,
    "publicModelCount": 0,
    "publisher": "string",
    "ratingAverageTenths": 0,
    "ratingCount": 0,
    "refreshInterval": 0,
    "revisions": [
            "accessTypeCode": "PB",
            "authors": "My name\tMy contact",
            "created": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.750Z",
            "description": "string",
            "metadata": "string",
            "modified": "2018-10-17T19:34:23.750Z",
            "origin": "<origin url>",
            "publisher": "My company",
            "revisionId": "<revision id>",
            "solutionId": "<solution id>",
            "sourceId": "<source id>",
            "userId": "<user id>",
            "validationStatusCode": "NV",
            "version": "v1.0"
    "selector": "string",
    "size": 0,
    "solutionId": "string",
    "solutionRating": 0,
    "solutionRatingAvg": 0,
    "solutionTag": "string",
    "solutionTagList": [
            "tag": "Classification"
    "sortingOrder": "string",
    "threadId": "string",
    "threadList": [
            "revisionId": "<revision id>",
            "solutionId": "<solution id>",
            "threadId": "<thread id>",
            "title": "string"
    "tookitType": "string",
    "tookitTypeName": "string",
    "validationStatusCode": "string",
    "viewCount": 0

LF CAS Service API

Get cas/enabled

GET http://<host and optionally port>/cas/enabled

This GET API is used to check if CAS (Linux Foundation) login is enabled or not.

Response Body Example:

    "status": true,
    "status_code": 200,
    "response_detail": "Success",
    "response_code": null,
    "response_body": "true",
    "content": null,
    "error_code": null

Get cas/enabled

GET http://<host and optionally port>/cas/serviceValidate

Gets the User Object from CAS api.

Response Body Example:

    "response_detail":"Validation status updated Successfully",

Project Tools

This micro service is a Spring-Boot application that for Portal Market Backend on the Acumos platform. The first version listens only on localhost ( & port 8080.

Tools required

How to Clone

  1. Open Source or GitShell Command Line Interface
  2. Browse to your preferred directory and run below command:

git clone https://<userid>@gerrit.acumos.org/portal-marketplace.git

Note: replace with your user id. 3. Once the repository is cloned. You would be able to build the branch Locally by running below command:

mvn clean install