Model Data Admin Guide


The Model data api allows model data such as parameters to flow from a running model in a subscriber’s instance of Acumos to a supplier’s instance of Acumos. In addition to the federation gateway /peer/{peerId}/modeldata api we must connect logstash to send the updated model parameters.

Example Model Data Parameters

    "@version": "1",
    "@timestamp": "2020-02-17T21:21:09.338Z",
    "tags": [
    "model": {
        "userId": "12345678-abcd-90ab-cdef-1234567890ab",
        "revisionId": "1c0a4ea4-e822-4fb3-bef1-11f92958c315",
        "solutionId": "149ea34c-44fc-4329-8189-52d3ae523a15"
    "value": {
        "B": "121",
        "C": "270",
        "A": "601"

Example Log stash configuration

Log stash has 2 important configuration changes

  1. http output plugin sending logs from model runner to gateway service
   if "acumos-model-param-logs" in [tags] {
    elasticsearch {
      hosts => ["elasticsearch:9200"]
      index => "acumos-model-param-logs"

    http {
      keystore => "/app/certs/acumos-keystore.p12"
      keystore_password => "[KEYSTORE_PASSWORD]"
      keystore_type => "PKCS12"
      truststore => "/app/certs/acumos-truststore.jks"
      truststore_password => "[TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD]"
      retry_failed => false
      http_method => "post"
      url => "https://[GATEWAY_SERVICE]:[GATEWAY_PORT]/peer/USE_SOLUTION_SOURCE/modeldata"
  1. http input plugin for accepting log entries from federation service.
  http {
      port => 5043