Acumos Java Client Developer Guide


  • The Acumos Java client is part of the Acumos Tools for, Generic Java and Java Spark models.
  • The Acumos Java client is a command line utility that Data Scientist runs on his local machine or wherever he has the model to onboard it into Acumos.
  • Both of them, model and Acumos Java cient together, provide a way to use, Generic Java and Java Spark in the Acumos Platform.

Architecture and Design

Java Client Library:

Allows the H2o/Generic Java/Java Spark model and other artifacts to become available in the onboarding server for the H2o Model runner to be able to use them.

  • The Data Scientist creates his model in H2o and exports it in the MOJO model format (.zip file) using any interface (eg.Python, Flow, R) provided by H2o
  • For Generic Java and Java Spark the Data scientist creates his model and exports it in the .jar format.
  • Data scientist runs the JavaClient jar (Available in Nexus;quick~java_client), which creates a Protobuf (default.proto) file for the Model, creates the required metadata.json file and an artifact called
  • Data scientist can manually upload these generated artifacts to the Acumos Marketplace via its Web interface, this is WEB on-boarding.
  • Or Data scientist can use the Acumos java client to onboard model onto the on-boarding server by providing the on-boarding server URL, this is CLI on-boarding.

Model Runner:

Allows the on-boarded Model to be run as containerized microservice and allows other external applications to use the on-boarded Model for predictions.

  • Essentially, provides a wrapper around the ML model, packages it as a containerized microservice and exposes a predict method as a rest endpoint.
  • When the model is on-boarded and deployed, this method (REST endpoint) can then be called by other external applications to request model’s predictions.
  • generic-model-runner is used to onboard and Generic Java models.
  • spark-model-runner is used to onboard Java Spark models.

Technology and Frameworks

  • Language : Java
  • Other Technologies: Google Protocol buffers,
  • Framework : Junit

Development Setup

To run the client project,you will need the following installed on your machine.

  • Java (jdk) 8 or 9
  • Protoc compiler 3.4.0
  • Maven
  • Protobuf Java runtime 3.4.0

Data scientist can download the latest version of the Java Client jar from Nexus :;quick~java-client

Data scientist can download the latest version of the h2o-genericjava-modelrunner jar from Nexus :;quick~runner

Data scientist can download the latest version of the spark-modelrunner jar from Nexus :;quick~spark-modelrunner

To clone the client library project: use the http, https or ssh command available at

To clone the h2o-genericjava model runner project : use the http, https or ssh command available at

To clone the Spark model runner project : use the http, https or ssh command available at

To build the project, you can use :

mvn clean install

To build the model runner project, refer to instructions provided in generic-model-runner folder This will give you the same h2o-genericjava-model runner mentioned earlier.

It is a Maven Project. You can clean, install, test as with any Maven project.