Acumos Python Client Tutorial

This tutorial provides a brief overview of acumos for creating Acumos models. The tutorial is meant to be followed linearly, and some code snippets depend on earlier imports and objects. Full examples are available in the examples/ directory of the Acumos Python client repository.

  1. Importing Acumos
  2. Creating A Session
  3. A Simple Model
  4. Exporting Models
  5. Defining Types
  6. Using DataFrames with scikit-learn
  7. Declaring Requirements
  8. Declaring Options
  9. Keras and TensorFlow
  10. Testing Models
  11. More Examples

Importing Acumos

First import the modeling and session packages:

from acumos.modeling import Model, List, Dict, create_namedtuple, create_dataframe
from acumos.session import AcumosSession

Creating A Session

An AcumosSession allows you to export your models to Acumos. You can either dump a model to disk locally, so that you can upload it via the Acumos website, or push the model to Acumos directly.

If you’d like to push directly to Acumos, create a session with the push_api argument:

session = AcumosSession(push_api="")

See the onboarding page of your Acumos instance website to find the correct push_api URL to use.

If you’re only interested in dumping a model to disk, arguments aren’t needed:

session = AcumosSession()

A Simple Model

Any Python function can be used to define an Acumos model using Python type hints.

Let’s first create a simple model that adds two integers together. Acumos needs to know what the inputs and outputs of your functions are. We can use the Python type annotation syntax to specify the function signature.

Below we define a function add_numbers with int type parameters x and y, and an int return type. We then build an Acumos model with an add method.

Note: Function docstrings are included with your model and used for documentation, so be sure to include one!

def add_numbers(x: int, y: int) -> int:
    '''Returns the sum of x and y'''
    return x + y

model = Model(add=add_numbers)

Exporting Models

We can now export our model using the AcumosSession object created earlier. The push and dump_zip APIs are shown below. The dump_zip method will save the model to disk so that it can be onboarded via the Acumos website. The push method pushes the model directly to Acumos.

session.push(model, 'my-model')
session.dump_zip(model, 'my-model', '~/')  # creates ~/

For more information on how to onboard a dumped model via the Acumos website, see the web onboarding guide.

Note: Pushing a model to Acumos will prompt you for an onboarding token if you have not previously provided one. The interactive prompt can be avoided by exporting the ACUMOS_TOKEN environment variable, which corresponds to an authentication token that can be found in your account settings on the Acumos website.

Defining Types

In this example, we make a model that can read binary images and output some metadata about them. This model makes use of a custom type ImageShape.

We first create a NamedTuple type called ImageShape, which is like an ordinary tuple but with field accessors. We can then use ImageShape as the return type of get_shape. Note how ImageShape can be instantiated as a new object.

import io
import PIL

ImageShape = create_namedtuple('ImageShape', [('width', int), ('height', int)])

def get_format(data: bytes) -> str:
    '''Returns the format of an image'''
    buffer = io.BytesIO(data)
    img =
    return img.format

def get_shape(data: bytes) -> ImageShape:
    '''Returns the width and height of an image'''
    buffer = io.BytesIO(data)
    img =
    shape = ImageShape(width=img.width, height=img.height)
    return shape

model = Model(get_format=get_format, get_shape=get_shape)

Note: Starting in Python 3.6, you can alternatively use this simpler syntax:

from acumos.modeling import NamedTuple

class ImageShape(NamedTuple):
    '''Type representing the shape of an image'''
    width: int
    height: int

Defining Unstructured Types

The create_namedtuple function allows us to create types with structure, however sometimes it’s useful to work with unstructured data, such as plain text, dictionaries or byte strings. The new_type function allows for just that.

For example, here’s a model that takes in unstructured text, and returns the number of words in the text:

from acumos.modeling import new_type

Text = new_type(str, 'Text')

def count(text: Text) -> int:
    '''Counts the number of words in the text'''
    return len(text.split(' '))

def create_text(x: int, y: int) -> Text:
    '''Returns a string containing ints from x to y'''
    return " ".join(map(str, range(x, y+1)))

def reverse_text(text: Text) -> Text:
    '''Returns an empty image buffer from dimensions'''
    return text[::-1]

By using the new_type function, you inform acumos that Text is unstructured, and therefore acumos will not create any structured types or messages for the count function.

You can use the new_type function to create dictionaries or byte string type unstructured data as shown below.

from acumos.modeling import new_type

Dict = new_type(dict, 'Dict')

Image = new_type(byte, 'Image')

Using DataFrames with scikit-learn

In this example, we train a RandomForestClassifier using scikit-learn and use it to create an Acumos model.

When making machine learning models, it’s common to use a dataframe data structure to represent data. To make things easier, acumos can create NamedTuple types directly from pandas.DataFrame objects.

NamedTuple types created from pandas.DataFrame objects store columns as named attributes and preserve column order. Because NamedTuple types are like ordinary tuple types, the resulting object can be iterated over. Thus, iterating over a NamedTuple dataframe object is the same as iterating over the columns of a pandas.DataFrame. As a consequence, note how np.column_stack can be used to create a numpy.ndarray from the input df.

Finally, the model returns a numpy.ndarray of int corresponding to predicted iris classes. The classify_iris function represents this as List[int] in the signature return.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

iris = load_iris()
X =
y =

clf = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=0), y)

# here, an appropriate NamedTuple type is inferred from a pandas DataFrame
X_df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=['sepal_length', 'sepal_width', 'petal_length', 'petal_width'])
IrisDataFrame = create_dataframe('IrisDataFrame', X_df)

# ==================================================================================
# # or equivalently:
# IrisDataFrame = create_namedtuple('IrisDataFrame', [('sepal_length', List[float]),
#                                                     ('sepal_width', List[float]),
#                                                     ('petal_length', List[float]),
#                                                     ('petal_width', List[float])])
# ==================================================================================

def classify_iris(df: IrisDataFrame) -> List[int]:
    '''Returns an array of iris classifications'''
    X = np.column_stack(df)
    return clf.predict(X)

model = Model(classify=classify_iris)

Check out the sklearn examples in the examples directory for full runnable scripts.

Declaring Requirements

If your model depends on another Python script or package that you wrote, you can declare the dependency via the acumos.metadata.Requirements class:

from acumos.metadata import Requirements

Note that only pure Python is supported at this time.

Custom Scripts

Custom scripts can be included by giving Requirements a sequence of paths to Python scripts, or directories containing Python scripts. For example, if the model defined in depended on


this dependency could be declared like so:

from helper1 import do_thing

def transform(x: int) -> int:
    '''Does the thing'''
    return do_thing(x)

model = Model(transform=transform)

reqs = Requirements(scripts=['./'])

# using the AcumosSession created earlier:
session.push(model, 'my-model', reqs)
session.dump(model, 'my-model', '~/', reqs)  # creates ~/my-model

Alternatively, all Python scripts within model_workspace/ could be included using:

reqs = Requirements(scripts=['.'])

Custom Packages

Custom packages can be included by giving Requirements a sequence of paths to Python packages, i.e. directories with an file. Assuming that the package ~/repos/my_pkg contains:


then you can bundle my_pkg with your model like so:

from import do_thing

def transform(x: int) -> int:
    '''Does the thing'''
    return do_thing(x)

model = Model(transform=transform)

reqs = Requirements(packages=['~/repos/my_pkg'])

# using the AcumosSession created earlier:
session.push(model, 'my-model', reqs)
session.dump(model, 'my-model', '~/', reqs)  # creates ~/my-model

Requirement Mapping

Python packaging and PyPI aren’t perfect, and sometimes the name of the Python package you import in your code is different than the package name used to install it. One example of this is the PIL package, which is commonly installed using a fork called pillow (i.e. pip install pillow will provide the PIL package).

To address this inconsistency, the Requirements class allows you to map Python package names to PyPI package names. When your model is analyzed for dependencies by acumos, this mapping is used to ensure the correct PyPI packages will be used.

In the example below, the req_map parameter is used to declare a requirements mapping from the PIL Python package to the pillow PyPI package:

reqs = Requirements(req_map={'PIL': 'pillow'})

Declaring Options

The acumos.metadata.Options class is a collection of options that users may wish to specify along with their Acumos model. If an Options instance is not provided to AcumosSession.push, then default options are applied. See the class docstring for more details.

Below, we demonstrate how options can be used to include additional model metadata and influence the behavior of the Acumos platform. For example, a license can be included with a model via the license parameter, either by providing a license string or a path to a license file. Likewise, we can specify whether or not the Acumos platform should eagerly build the model microservice via the create_microservice parameter.

from acumos.metadata import Options

opts = Options(license="Apache 2.0",       # "./path/to/license_file" also works
               create_microservice=False,  # don't build the microservice yet

session.push(model, 'my-model', options=opts)

Keras and TensorFlow

Check out the Keras and TensorFlow examples in the examples/ directory of the Acumos Python client repository.

Testing Models

The acumos.modeling.Model class wraps your custom functions and produces corresponding input and output types. This section shows how to access those types for the purpose of testing. For simplicity, we’ll create a model using the add_numbers function again:

def add_numbers(x: int, y: int) -> int:
    '''Returns the sum of x and y'''
    return x + y

model = Model(add=add_numbers)

The model object now has an add attribute, which acts as a wrapper around add_numbers. The add_numbers function can be invoked like so:

result = model.add.inner(1, 2)
print(result)  # 3

The model.add object also has a corresponding wrapped function that is generated by acumos.modeling.Model. The wrapped function is the primary way your model will be used within Acumos.

We can access the input_type and output_type attributes to test that the function works as expected:

AddIn = model.add.input_type
AddOut = model.add.output_type

add_in = AddIn(1, 2)
print(add_in)  # AddIn(x=1, y=2)

add_out = AddOut(3)
print(add_out)  # AddOut(value=3)

model.add.wrapped(add_in) == add_out  # True

More Examples

Below are some additional function examples. Note how numpy types can even be used in type hints, as shown in the numpy_sum function.

from collections import Counter
import numpy as np

def list_sum(x: List[int]) -> int:
    '''Computes the sum of a sequence of integers'''
    return sum(x)

def numpy_sum(x: List[np.int32]) -> np.int32:
    '''Uses numpy to compute a vectorized sum over x'''
    return np.sum(x)

def count_strings(x: List[str]) -> Dict[str, int]:
    '''Returns a count mapping from a sequence of strings'''
    return Counter(x)