4. User Management

This tab lists all user accounts on the portal and enables:

  • Searching for users and selecting a list of users by role
  • Adding a user
  • Bulk activation and deactivation of users
  • Changing the role of a user to one or more of the system roles


A user may be deactivated but not deleted

4.1. System Roles

Role Description Permissions
MLP System User Default role assigned to new accounts On-board a model, use the Design Studio and Marketplace
Admin Portal Administration MLP System User, site administration
Publisher Model Publishing MLP System User, publish models to the Public Marketplace

4.2. Add New User

Selecting the “Add New User” button will present a dialog in which new user details can be provided, including:

  • First Name (mandatory)
  • Last Name (mandatory)
  • User Name (mandatory): must be unique, and not already used for some other account
  • Email (mandatory): must be a valid format email address, and not already used for some other account
  • Password (mandatory): must contain at least eight characters, which should have at least one upper case and one lower case letter, numbers and symbols like, ! # @ $ * &. If the password is determined to be “weak”, a stronger password must be selected or the “Add” button will not be selectable.
  • Role (mandatory): one of the defined roles, by default “MLP System User”, “admin”

An option to send the new user an account creation email is provided. The email will be sent from the defined email address of the admin user that added the new user.
