Notebook Component Overview

Notebook Catalog

Notebook Catalog screen displays list of notebooks which are created by user. There are following ways to navigate to the Notebook Catalog screen.

  1. Either click on ‘Notebooks’ card from Dashboard screen

  2. Or click on the ‘Notebooks’ link from sidebar navigation

    notebook-catalog image.

From notebook Catalog screen, user can perform either of following actions.

  1. Create Notebook

By clicking on ‘Create Notebook’ button present at top right corner, a dialog box will get open. Fill out all required information and click on the ‘Create Notebook’ button. After successful notebook creation, User will be able to see that created Notebook.

create-notebook-catalog image.

if external notebook flag is set to true, user will be able to create a external notebook in acumos by providing its url in the create notebook form.

create-notebook-create-url image.
  1. Archive Notebook

If user wish to Archive any Active Notebook then he can click on the Archive button present at the bottom right corner of that specific Notebook card. A confirmation dialog box will appear on click of Archive button. After confirmation, notebook will be archived.

archive-notebook-dialog image.
  1. Unarchive Notebook

If user wish to Unarchive any Archived Notebook then he can click on the Unarchive button present at the bottom right corner of that specific notebook card. A confirmation dialog box will appear on click of Unarchive button. After confirmation, notebook will be unarchived.

unarchive-notebook-dialog image.
  1. Delete Notebook

If user wish to Delete any Archived Notebook then he can click on the Delete button present at the bottom right corner of that specific notebook card. A confirmation dialog box will appear on click of Delete button. After confirmation, notebook will be deleted physically from database and can not be restored.

delete-notebook-dialog image.
  1. Launch Notebook

If user wish to Launch any Active Notebook, then he can click on the Launch button present at the bottom right corner of that specific notebook card. On click of launch button, notebook will be opened in the user specific Jupyter Instance in a new browser tab.

notebook-launch image.

Notebook Catalog screen includes following features/capabilities.

  1. Notebook Sorting
User can sort the notebook list by choosing either one of following options - By Notebook Created Date, By Notebook Name.
  1. Search with Notebook metadata
Notebook Catalog screen provides textual search capability as well where if user wish to search for specific text present in Notebook metadata then he can enter into the search box (present at the right top corner) and notebooks matching with the entered search criteria will get displayed.
  1. Pagination
In Notebook catalog screen, at a time only 8 notebooks will be displayed. User can use Pagination feature to navigate to another page if he wish to see other notebooks lists.

Notebook Details

On click on specific Notebook card in the Notebook catalog screen, user will be redirected to the Notebook details screen. In this screen, Notebook basic details will get displayed.

notebook-details image.

In the Notebook details screen, user can perform following Notebook relevant actions.

While creating, editing the notebook, user can give the external notebook url as well, to save his own jupyter or zappelin notebook details.

  1. Edit Notebook

To Edit the Notebook, click on the ‘Edit’ icon present on the card-header of the Notebook. On edit, notebook name, version and description field will become editable. User can provide new information and save it.

edit-notebook image.

If external Notebook flag is set to true, user will be able to edit name, version, description and url as well.

notebook-edit-url image.
  1. Archive Notebook

To Archive Notebook, click on the Archive button. After user confirmation, notebook will get archived and status will be reflected in notebook details.

archive-notebook-detail-dialog image.
  1. Unarchive Notebook

To Unarchive Notebook, click on the Unarchive button. After user confirmation, notebook will get unarchived and status will be reflected in notebook details.

unarchive-notebook-detail-dialog image.
  1. Delete Notebook

If Notebook is archived then Delete button will be enabled for a user to delete the notebook. On click of Delete Button, Notebook will get deleted and user will be redirected to the Notebook Catalog Screen.

delete-notebook-detail-dialog image.
  1. Launch Notebook

If Notebook is active, then launch button will be enabled for the user. On click of launch button, notebook will be opened in the user specific Jupyter Instance in a new browser tab.

notebook-launch image.